Practical Shooting is a sport that combines the elements of speed, accuracy and power using handguns, shotguns or small caliber carbines. Competitors try to shoot as many points as possible in as short a time as possible over the course of several stages. Participants have to move through the course of fire and shoot from different positions at a combination of metal plates, standing metal poppers, stationary and non- stationary paper targets while trying to avoid incurring penalty points from misses and no shoots.

The sport relies on not only the competitors shooting ability but on their ability to plan and execute the most efficient way to approach each course. Stage designers are constantly thinking up novel ways of challenging the competitor and our weekly matches attract a very avid and dedicated group of contestants at many different skill levels.

The Jamaica Rifle Association is the regional headquarters for The International Practical Shooting Confederation, the main governing body for the sport internationally, as well as the main shooting range for the United States Practical Pistol Association matches on the island. The JRA hosts weekly Saturday Rumbles and monthly Mega Rumbles as well as 4 major international events annually.

If you are interested in being a part of this very exciting sport and possess a current firearm user permit, contact us and we’ll be happy to give you an introduction.